The obituary of a person or a brand is often the best way to send out a message that retains the legacy of the deceased. When it comes to delivering a striking message, nothing beats headlines, subtitles, and sub-headlines. And when it is a legendary person who is being remembered, it is all the more important to pay attention to the details. But how? A good way for ensuring the memory of this great intellectual lives on is to send out an obituary highlighting how he has helped shape society.

What Happened To Peter Marcuse?

Peter Marcuse, who has died aged 93, was one of the most influential scientists in film and theatre design. He oversaw the design of much of the work of both mediums, and not surprisingly, some of his greatest and best-known designs were for movies by Alfred Hitchcock. Peter Marcuse, a leading architect of American higher education, is dead at age 93. Marcuse’s theories — many outlined in his 1964 book, “An Essay on Liberation” and in his 1970 critique, “Counterrevolution and Revolt” — were the bedrock of 1960s student protests. A professor at Brandeis University he was an avowed Marxist who often advised campus radicals on how to defeat university administrations. Peter Marcuse was an American historian and urban theorist, who was a professor at Cooper Union and New York University. While he taught at Harvard University in the 1960s, his students included the historian and author Stewart Burns, the filmmaker George Lucas, the museum conservator Carter Wiseman, and the architect Jacques Brownson. His first book, the 1961 Critique of Urbanism: Towards a General Theory of Urbanization was an early influence in the field of urban studies. In a remarkable career as an architect, educator, and writer, Marcuse’s work integrated theory and practice, challenging accepted norms in his writings and lecture courses. Although many students thought that he spoke unintelligibly, they were eager to enroll in his courses because they knew they would be rewarded with extraordinary insights.


How Did Peter Marcuse Die  What Happened To Peter Marcuse  Professor and Lawyer  Peter Marcuse Dead - 64How Did Peter Marcuse Die  What Happened To Peter Marcuse  Professor and Lawyer  Peter Marcuse Dead - 74How Did Peter Marcuse Die  What Happened To Peter Marcuse  Professor and Lawyer  Peter Marcuse Dead - 86How Did Peter Marcuse Die  What Happened To Peter Marcuse  Professor and Lawyer  Peter Marcuse Dead - 16